Cyber Essentials
Cyber Essentials is a UK government backed scheme designed to give businesses a Cybersecurity framework to work towards. Attaining this accreditation will give you , and your customers, peace of mind that you are taking their data security seriously.
The first stage of a successful Cyber Essentials accreditation process is having a good, fit for purpose, IT Security Policy. Which is something Dunn IT can help you with. A gap analysis would then be performed on your current IT systems to see where changes need to be made to be brought in line with the standards contained within Cyber Essentials. Once that has been done you will be ready for certification!
Cyber Essentials Plus offers a further level security but backing up the original Cyber Essentials process with a third party audit that independently verifies that you are indeed meeting the standards setup within the framework.
Dunn IT can get this whole process done for you and get you your Cyber Essentials accreditation which you can show to your customers proving you are serious about data security.